Thursday, January 13, 2011

Architectural Photography Notes

Architectural photographs- indirect portraits, the place and its personality
Can determine a lot from a photograph of a place
Give the photo context (Destroyed houses, see water that flooded it)
People in the architectural photos should be minimal
Architectural photos are good because every building has some of the principles and elements found in photography
Big-Picture: exterior shot, of whole building
Detail Shot: specific detail of the building
Interior Shot: photo of inside building
Shadows and light can show depth of field

Frederick Evans- focused on cathedrals, depicted emotion with the use of light "Try for a record of emotion rather than a piece photography."
Evans worked primarily in platinum paper, took the paper and in sunlight it would expose the platinum paper- gave deeper value and greater detail to photographs, platinum used to WWII so prices increased
He gave us photography forever

Ezra Stroller- was architect, switched to photography
Focused on line, shape, and light

Focus on full-view of space, emotions connected
Focus on details of the building, exploration of abstract images
Communicate PERSONALITY of the space and RELATIONSHIP of its surroundings
Make shot unique with framing, focus, and emphasis
Patterns dominate almost every image in architecture

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