Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Journal Notes, Rule of Thirds

This fits the rule of thirds because the subject is placed in the first third section of the frame. The frame is still balanaced because of the flowers next to the subject. The picture is still balanced because of this.

Journal Notes, Colors

The picture of the fence shows the different hues that come out. I boosted the color when editing the picture to have the color come out more. The teal color of the fence is more noticable with the boost of color and contrasts with the white and grey of the road.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lines, Shapes, and Forms

My photos show different implied lines and how different lines can shape and object. Different objects form different lines. The water bottles picture shows a line of them. I faded the color on it to create a lighter image. The tree picture was post-edited and I boosted the color. For the crystal ball picture, I used antique effect in post-effects. This faded the crystal ball a little.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My Autobiography was an assignment in which I was supposed to take pictures for the different categories. It was interesting because some people got angles of things that I would not think of. It showed everyone's creativity, and spunk. The first picture is of my keychain collection and it represents some of my favorite places. I love all the different colors in this picture and how bright they are. The second picture is of my dog and I choose black & white for it because I think it fit the tone of the photo. My dog looks sad, and the usage of black & white helps show that mood. Lastly, the picture of my Economics book uses color accent. I wanted to make the yellow standout so people immediately knew what the subject was. It works because the yellow stands out but everything else is black & white.